1. Methodological Framework
Development of a methodological framework, with guidelines, tools and recommendations for the co-design, co-development and co-evaluation of DLGs.
Serious Game Project Description

During the serious games project initiation phase, this template provides a quick overview of the project and links between its elements.
The co.LAB Serious Games Design Framework

Serious game design is a collaborative and multi-disciplinary process.
The "co.LAB Serious Games Design Framework" provides a structured view of the game design. It enables to focus on specific design elements (pedagogical engineers may focus on learning design, while graphic designers on user interfaces) while simultaneously providing an overview of the relationships between those design elements.
Serious Games Design Guidelines

Based on the "co.LAB Serious Games Design Framework", complete guidelines and descriptions of design of elements. Those guidelines are implemented the co.LAB digital platform.
Design and Development Process

The process vision suggests a temporal sequence of serious games design, development and evaluation.
2. Collaborative Digital Platforms
Development of a collaborative web platform dedicated to serious games design.
Improvement of the existing Wegas plaftorm for the collaborative development of serious games.
Co-Design Platform Mock-ups

Mock-ups of the co-design platform. The platform will be open source and should support collaborative design of serious games by multidisciplinary teams.
Co-Design Platform Modelisation

Basic UML models of the co.LAB digital platform.
Co-Development Platform Improvement

Improvement of the co-development module into the Wegas authoring system, both for game content and game structure edition by non computer scientists.
3: Tests in Naturalistic Contexts
Development, use and assessment of two use-cases of DLGs.
- AlbaSim: New serious game in medical education.
- TECFA: Evolution of the “Computational thinking game” at secondary school,
Results will include the developed serious games and a report with an evaluation of the quality of the games, an evaluation of the collaborative process and recommendations for the improvement of the methodology.
Use Case 1 : PRITS Serious Game Design and Development

The PRITS project is the first use case of the co.LAB collaborative methodology. It already led to some improvements of the Wegas co-development platform.